Friday, November 16, 2007

First quarter review

The first quarter in our AP world history studdys was very knowledge packed, ranging from learning about the early civilazations, such as the Olmec, Shang and Egypt. To going into the very conficing religons and philosphys of ancient asia, including hinduism, buddhism and confuciansim. Out of all these great belief systems my favorite was Hinduism. This was my favorite becasue of the idea that god is one. Even though Hinduism has over 10000 diffrenet gods, hindus believe that there was only one god. One thing that i found difficult about this class was the essays. These new AP essays have a very diffrent format than we have previously learned. at first i struggled to get the format but i believe in time i will be able to understand it. It has been an enduring first quarter and i cant wait for our next 3.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

AP world bloggers

I am so excited and pumped aboutBLOGGING with all you intellegint AP students. We should all talk about how are experience is going. IF anyone needs help with any AP stuff GLAD TO HELP